Please Note: Flower varieties, colors, and availability change dramatically from week to week, and day to day. This is why our offerings on our website are very much focused on "Style" and not on any specific flower varieties. So with this in mind please know we more than likely will need to make design adjustments depending on what is available when we are creating your flower design selection.
'Prairie Spring' right in our little, tiny corner of the world, Clark County Washington is a very historic region of the country. Most well known for the areas of pristine prairie land, this is where horticulture all started. Food crops like fruit, hops, cotton, wheat, and of course flowers.. Especially for flowers, we see this in the spring with so many different flowers that come into bloom. It all comes down to the fabulous soils of our historic prairies.
'Prairie Spring' is our interpretation and celebration of all the spring flowers we have access to in the Pacific Northwest. Here in our area, we are very fortunate to have many local growers that provide our flower market with some of the most amazing flowers available during the growing season. Blending these local blooms with additional imported specialty blooms from flower farmers in other parts of the world. It all really comes down to celebrating the art of growing flowers. What we then do with those flowers is when the magic happens.
One thing to remember about flowers is that every single bloom, even of the same variety, is completely different than every other bloom. All of that is a big reason why every time we create our 'Prairie Spring' the end result is completely different from the last. It's what makes these flowers special, and why when they arrive for your recipient generates a smile.